Many enjoy a hearty meal portion every now and then. Especially on special occasions. It’s for that very reason that the consumer’s meals become more moderately sized when it isn’t a special occasion. The consumer’s appetite is becoming more moderate. They are watching what they eat and how much they eat. Smaller plates allow the...Continue Reading
Normally the order is: body and soul. Working out and eating right should make one feel good and happy. Scientifically, those feel good endorphins released when you exercise instantly boost your mood. In addition to this it’s a fact that a more toned physique makes you looks better. Therefore when you look good, you feel good....Continue Reading
Nature is inspiring many industries. People are eating more natural foods, wearing their hair natural, wearing no make-up and increasingly looking for escapes nearer-to-nature. Nature is having an impact on how consumer express themselves, where they go, what they eat, wear and how they present themselves to the world. People believe that using...Continue Reading
If you look at the menus of restaurants, be it their drinks or food most options are packed with sugar. Unless it’s a salad which isn’t the most satisfying meal option at times and there’s only so much salad you can have in a week. There is a huge opportunity and need for restaurants and...Continue Reading
Free March trend report download: The Design Indaba edition. This month our TrendER Insight’s analysts attended the Design Indaba conference in Cape Town. Bringing you the best of creative innovation and insights showcased from around the world. At the end of each month, expect our trend analysts to compile a highlight of trends uncovered in...Continue Reading
Consumer’s want some colour in their lives. When they go to Cape Town it’s a must to visit the colourful residential area of Bo-Kaap. Colour can stimulate very positive feelings and when a consumer is surrounded by bright colours they almost immediately feel uplifted. This month we at TrendER went to see what all the...Continue Reading
It’s hard to imagine life without music. It can give a party life, make someone happy, uplifted or even feel in love. There is music for every situation. When someone is in a bad mood, especially a young person, music becomes their escape, instantly putting them in a better mood. If music can transform moods...Continue Reading
We live in a sick world. Hospitals are one of the most frequented places with people on all sorts of medications for all sorts of conditions. Depending on the individual, their experiences, history, condition and needs they may need to take more than one medication daily which can become quite a stress which is a...Continue Reading
Food is one of those things everybody loves but those who cook particularly looks ideas on what to make to excite the tastebuds of those they are cooking for. Think about what you have been eating over the passed month. Quite predictable to the point the activity of eating becomes quite mundane. The sensation of...Continue Reading
A while back there was a craze for Brazilian’s. No, not good looking women or men, but doing a chemical processes called Brazilian on your hair to keep it straight. Much has changed in a few short years. The natural movement has extended into so many parts of our lives including our hair. In South...Continue Reading