
This is the age of the ‘digital natives’. We are living in a time where people are more connected and within keystrokes of one another. This has seen online retail begin to take centre stage. More consumers are finding themselves engaged online and more comfortable with online interaction, especially transactions with reputable brands. The statistics:...
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For the most part people spend time together to get to know one another and enjoy each other’s company. While the world may be changing because of a digital revolution, time is still being spent together. Actually, even more than before. Our basic need is to belong and in relationships the more people share the...
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In December food is consumed excessively by most people. Partying done more than usual and alcohol, well no one needs to tell you. Beyond this, social media has been consumed excessively. It is addictive. Almost like a reflex for most people. In 2018, it’s resulting in people tapping out and saying they need moderation when...
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Taken from the 2018 Africa Trends Report Social media networks such as Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp have introduced another element to conversations on their platforms which is; status update. Status updates have become the new form of communication because they only last for a limited period of time. It makes it harder to track conversations...
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Social media has become the enabler for brands to be part of their consumer’s lives through various means. We see more and more brands join the social media platform to engage with the audience. This can be through paid advertising on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, recently Instagram and it can be through their organic reach on...
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The South Africa online retail makes up 1% of total retail in the country with a growth of over 20% year on year since 2015 according to Bratt (2018)., Apple, Pick n Pay, and Woolworths dominate the South African online retail space with a combined 25.8% market share according to Bratt (2018). This tells...
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Memes, gifs, short films and videos used for entertainment have found greater relevance in people’s daily digital engagement. Most people are time-crunched, fitting in social media browsing and chats with friends whilst being preoccupied with other activities. Social media browsing and chats are where their entertainment comes in and this kind of ‘nutshell’ entertainment is...
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SHOPPING HAS BECOME COMPLEX A little while ago our market was home to relatively few retailers and consumers followed a few key trends from season to season. Few retailers + few key trends = SIMPLE SHOPPING. Technology has progressed, over this time and has become the problem and the solution. As a result of globalization...
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As South African’s we have grown up or around the value of uBuntu. As our country has modernized and grown even more comfortable with westernized values there is a strong feeling of isolation amongst people. Downcast feelings are heightened when one feels alone. Getting together with others who have a shared value overcomes feelings of...
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Consumers are increasingly feeling the pressure of social media when it comes to appearances. While there are people that try to depict their real life it’s the one’s who show glitz and glamour that are the most liked and followed. This then creates the pressure for consumers to depict their own version of a glittery...
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