“Happy 2020…TrendER would like to wish you a prosperous new year. We are dedicated to continue bringing you relevant consumer trends, insights and creativity into this new decade. Helping you build stronger, meaningful brands into your consumer’s lives, for this new decade!!! Happy new year!” – Mogorosi MashiloContinue Reading
Youthphoria: Today’s youth do not look at the workspace the same way it was viewed a decade ago. No longer is work about gaining experience as way to further ones career where it was about the more experience one had, the better positions one acquires in the company. The new digital age has changed all...Continue Reading
The disappointment of qualified mass black youth without jobs in South Africa has shifted the needle of success from profession to passion. The black mass market’s measure of success is not longer about getting a degree and following traditional professions, but more about what one can do for themselves in a creative way through their...Continue Reading
According to SANTACO (The SA National Taxi Council), Taxis transport approximately 15 million commuters daily, and this accounts for 60-70% of the commuting public, in particular the workforce. In the light of this, it is important for marketers and brands to comprehend their commuting lifestyle, and how this has an influence in their shopping habits...Continue Reading
TrendER defines what beauty really means to women. We visit our beauty trend report to bring you this insight. The human insight: What beauty really means is – – A woman’s need to express her positive self – Both inner and outer beauty are codependent; the one cannot exist without the other. Firstly: Women to...Continue Reading
From Myspace, to Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and now Tik Tok The age of social media is evolving at a rapid pace more than every giving the youth and more options and connections with other people. You can never say one social media platform is better than the other which is a common mistake that...Continue Reading
“Not only do I want people to see me with all these achievements and money, but I also want to enjoy them to the fullest.” Shift from public admiration to self fulfillment. It is no longer about having material possessions to gain public admiration but about living life to the fullest and enjoying every aspect...Continue Reading
The township has long been seen as the residential or geographic habitat for the middle to lower income earners. In fact it has gone as far as the level of education and modernism to be significantly low in the township. Yes to an extent some of this still proves true, however there has been a...Continue Reading
What is Ekhaya? Most black youth from townships, small towns and rural ares come into different south African cities to find professional work. Ekhaya is the term referred to, where one comes from and was was born. Many young black people are having more traveling experiences than ever before. At first one travelled Ekhaya (home)...Continue Reading
Retail shopping paper coupons have never been a popular loyalty program or incentive to the South African consumer. South Africans, especially the mass black market have seen couponing as a chore more than an incentive,because one will not go back (take a taxi drive from thier home, which means paying more money just to redeem...Continue Reading