Ghosting means breaking off a relationship by stopping all communication and contact with the partner without any apparent warning or justification, as well as ignoring the partner’s attempts to reach out or communicate. Let us think relationship marketing and efforts driven to sustain a relationship with the said customers. It is apparent that ghosting is...Continue Reading
Instagram is hiding likes and have begun linking influencer content to shopping tools as a way to drive and measure direct sales. The platform has hidden likes from the public view, which has began testing in the US .influencer’s marketers could be forced to look beyond vanity standards to more advanced measurement tools, including social commerce and...Continue Reading
Youthphoria: Today’s youth do not look at the workspace the same way it was viewed a decade ago. No longer is work about gaining experience as way to further ones career where it was about the more experience one had, the better positions one acquires in the company. The new digital age has changed all...Continue Reading
The disappointment of qualified mass black youth without jobs in South Africa has shifted the needle of success from profession to passion. The black mass market’s measure of success is not longer about getting a degree and following traditional professions, but more about what one can do for themselves in a creative way through their...Continue Reading
Enter “o jewa ke eng” directly translated what is (eating) bothering you in the search section on twitter… The drive sets to enable twitter subscribers to voice out the concerns and cry out for help if/when a need arises. We live in a society where the odd are stacked against us and through it all...Continue Reading
Influencer marketing is a bone of contention for any brand if we are to consider the return of investment versus the amount invested in the said influencer. In the same breath influencers weigh their contribution to the brand in terms of reach, brand awareness and association vs the “freebies” they receive. Brands need to have...Continue Reading
The technological shift to the fourth industrial revolution beckons for us as a nation to do a quick market audit with regards to the readiness of this market to take up these nifty gadgets and inventions. One, we are aware that we are a development market and in the same breathe we have a mass...Continue Reading
Humans have an innate desire to experience different moments in life as they carve out their path through life. Take the emotions that one goes through in a day for instance. In addition to this we are prone to or have an inclination to share these experiences with those we hold dear to our hearts....Continue Reading
From Myspace, to Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and now Tik Tok The age of social media is evolving at a rapid pace more than every giving the youth and more options and connections with other people. You can never say one social media platform is better than the other which is a common mistake that...Continue Reading
Retail shopping paper coupons have never been a popular loyalty program or incentive to the South African consumer. South Africans, especially the mass black market have seen couponing as a chore more than an incentive,because one will not go back (take a taxi drive from thier home, which means paying more money just to redeem...Continue Reading