Women: no more playing nice

Women are often seen as the ‘nicer’ sex. However in these more recent times, we are seeing how they are valuing ambition more highly. After all considering the lack of care being shown by men. In the professional world as well as in relationships, women have no choice but to choose to take their power back. To obtain what they really want: satisfying their careers and relationships.

It’s no secret that women most often value relationships more, which is leading to great relationship disappointments. Instead of wallowing in disappointment they are deciding to do it for themselves. As a woman, there is an ever-increasing appetite for freedom. In this quest for freedom, they are also empowering other women in the process.

Women are becoming less romance-focused and are motivating themselves to build their other various relationships. Positivity impacting their career, their bodies and are even starting families. In many instances without the support of a man.


women no more playing nice


It’s showing too on social media. Many posts are being tagged under #femalemuscle
#femaleempowerment. Women can’t necessarily change men but as this social media hashtag declares: #empoweredwomenempowerwomen. There’s an uprising among women.

Nice for what, by Drake, shows women in powerful positions – doing it for themselves. In the song, it reflects how although men may not be showing care, women can still be happy and succeed in their dreams and careers.

women no more playing nice


For some this may be a sad reality, however it doesn’t have to be. The landscape is changing, in the changing one thing is clear women can’t be defined. They have the freedom to choose and to make the best of whatever situation they are in.

Ambition is valued over being nice, yet they do not lose touch with their kindness completely. Strong ambitious women are often depicted as hard or mean-hearted, this is not always true.

As brands you do not have to depict women as nurturing or soft and nice. Rather explore different dimensions of women to really empower them. Women and how they are depicted really needs to take a giant leap out of the box in communication in order to gain a stronger connection.

About the author

Content Creator & Trend Analyst. Gabrielle cares about people, making her passionate about learning about and from them which in turn helps her identify trends and insights that help brands grow. Email: gabrielle@trender.co.za