
Millennials are ok with the impermanence of things.

They have realized just how fleeting moments are and before an experience is over they’re onto the next one.

No wander SnapChat is their favourite app next to Instagram. SnapChat deletes photos and videos after 24 hours and messages almost immediately after it is read.

They are so comfortable and happy with the impermanence of SnapChat because it really does reflect their lives. They do not want to hold on to anything too tightly because things are constantly changing in their lives. They are exploring and finding themselves and do not want to be tied down to anything.

Before SnapChat, Instagram was their main platform and even on there they often post pictures just to delete them. Millennials are the SnapChat generation that are constantly changing because they want to have fun and explore.

IMG 3281As a brand consider what the millennial finds truly important. Giving them a remarkable experience with moments, they would love to share not just as a passing InstaStory or Snapchat but as something that is timeless and living on their social profiles forever.


Article by Gabrielle Mixon
TrendER Insights’ Fashion Researcher, Communicator & Trend Analyst

About the author

Content Creator & Trend Analyst. Gabrielle cares about people, making her passionate about learning about and from them which in turn helps her identify trends and insights that help brands grow. Email:

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