GYM: When Indoor decided to go outside

In the recent past, you where either considered an outside or indoor fitness person. With indoor fitness mainly associated with regular big brand gyms, where one gained a gym membership to have access to the fitness machinery provided in these facilities.

For the mass market and society it meant two things: 1) Less access to the big brand gym facilities. From an affordability perspective as the monthly commitment from some individuals was not feasible. 2) It meant that outdoor fitness was restricted mostly to running as well as other outdoor activities, such as cycling for those who could afford the bikes and gear.

The truth is people still want to remain fit regardless. Outside or inside they want to have access to both and not have to choose either or. The new introduction by the government and city parks to install outside eco friendly gym machinery is a testament to that.

This has given people the flexibility to either workout outdoor or indoor. Still enjoying the same fitness processes, free from limitations.

Our society is slowly getting more and more access to what we otherwise be referred to restricted facilities in a more open public spaces. This again has shown the appetite for anyone to become healthy that a simple outdoor park can give them access to some of the otherwise boxed machinery always meant for the indoor.

Now one can take a jog around the block and do heavy lifting at the same time without any restrictions. People are not longer confined by having to choose “either” or, when the can have access to the best of both worlds.

About the author

Founder and Trend Analyst at TrendER Insights. Mogorosi's passion lies in unearthing consumer insights that will help brands build more meaningful relationships with their consumers. Email: