More (balance and happiness)

Work, relationships and personal changes are stressing people out. These high stress levels need coping mechanisms and in the case of people, it lies in going out more. They are going out increasingly to find balance and happiness to overcome the stressful times they are experiencing. They are looking to gain more experiences and to go to more places to balance out that which they can’t control in terms of their work, relationships and personal changes.

Being around people and having an enjoyable time relieves stress. The bar, café and restaurant industry is solving not just the physical need for a drink or for food but an emotional relief from stress. This then relates to the health and wellness of a person. When people go out, they feel more balanced and happy as they put aside that which has been stressing them out.

more (balance and happiness)

The fact that they are going out more means they are intentionally looking to balance out their lives and be happier.

Brands can take this opportunity to uncover what particularly makes their consumers happy and see how it can be executed in their brand space. This will keep them coming back and help them achieve their higher emotional need (balance and happiness) that’s satisfied in going out to places.

About the author

Content Creator & Trend Analyst. Gabrielle cares about people, making her passionate about learning about and from them which in turn helps her identify trends and insights that help brands grow. Email: