On the edge of ever-evolving makeup trends the natural movement is making a cross-over into the beauty and cosmetics industry.

While there are many who favour a bare face (think Alicia Keyes) who hold basic values when it comes to beauty. There are still consumers who see putting makeup on as taking pride in their appearance. When the consumer doesn’t wear make-up they feel naked. Consumers want to wear less makeup but they still want to look good. The natural movement has been central to a woman’s decision to wear less on her face as well as less disposable income, to spend on a wide array of makeup and beauty products. When women ‘put on their face’ meaning use many beauty products and follow different stages of beautifying their faces, they change their features to the point where the makeup is wearing them. In wearing less makeup the consumer actually takes more pride in their appearance because they are wearing the makeup and not the other way around.

less make-up

There are now creams that when applied transform the consumers face luminously without the use of ‘makeup’. It still however beautifies the face without the need for all the excess makeup products. Products such as this that beautify the consumers face make them feel more natural and less dependent on an excess of beauty products to make them look good.

For the beauty industry it means that greater emphasis should be placed on developing products with a ‘natural’ emphasis. Women wearing makeup not to change their looks but to show pride in them as the consumer becomes even more comfortable with shedding the layers of makeup and opting for simplified beauty.

About the author

Content Creator & Trend Analyst. Gabrielle cares about people, making her passionate about learning about and from them which in turn helps her identify trends and insights that help brands grow. Email: gabrielle@trender.co.za