Authentic Fabrication

Story-telling is endless. Telling stories through fabric is an opportunity for brands to take advantage of the places they source these fabrics from. At the Design Indaba this year we saw how fabric can be used as a medium for telling a story. As a brand’s fabrics come from different places it is a great opportunity to share about where these fabrics come from and take the consumer on a journey to an entirely different place.

We know that fashion trends repeat themselves but there is still innovation in textile making. Be it unique prints, new fabric compositions or places foreign to the consumer. Where the fabric is made it is an endless source to tell interesting stories to the consumer. As consumer’s are increasingly aware and questioning of where their products come from and who made them. Telling stories about fabric in real, unique and interesting ways will engage the consumer. Not just showing a level of transparency in how the products they wear are produced and where they are produced.

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While stories by brands are more often made up and fanciful. Through fabric you can tell authentic stories that bring the consumer ease about wearing your clothes and connect with the authenticity of your clothes.

Authenticity is what consumer’s are seeking, even in stories and especially in stories told to them by brands.


Article by Gabrielle Mixon
TrendER Insights’ Fashion Researcher, Communicator & Trend Analyst

About the author

Content Creator & Trend Analyst. Gabrielle cares about people, making her passionate about learning about and from them which in turn helps her identify trends and insights that help brands grow. Email:

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