Women: Making Menstruating Easier

Menstruation, something most men just don’t understand. Mostly because it’s a taboo subject that women have been conditioned to keep hush about or felt embarrassed.

Creatively, 2017 saw thought leaders attempting to overcome the touchiness people feel about periods. A step in the right direction to address this wide spread issue. Women face many problems when their periods visit monthly. Debilitating pain, mood swings, blood spillage and plans changing because of their body. Resulting in even further frustration and disappointment.

Menstruation is a woeful time for most women.

women making menstruating easier

A sad consideration, since periods are necessary in the nature of life and for a woman who would like to conceive. Most women hold a negative attitude towards periods. Who could blame them after all those problems stated. Men don’t make it any better by counting it against them when mood swings hit. Their attitude towards it is just as negative. In men’s defense, they don’t know all too much about it. Which creates an even greater need to be educated more and understand what females all around them face regularly.

It’s all about the communication and understanding. As well as product innovation that can further address the problems faced by women.

There have been inventions abroad, one such invention called the Period Cup. All that exists on our market currently are tampons and pads. Which do still have challenges for women and don’t make menstruation as easy as women would want it to be.

women making menstruating easier

After all these years and still women suffer. Further innovation and positive change around women and their period is needed. In a time of rapid technology and development that makes life easier, the difficulty of menstruation can be overcome on all levels. Especially on a communication level between the sexes.

About the author

Content Creator & Trend Analyst. Gabrielle cares about people, making her passionate about learning about and from them which in turn helps her identify trends and insights that help brands grow. Email: gabrielle@trender.co.za