Mobile penetration in Africa

Africa Mobile Penetration

Africa is the second-fastest mobile adoption market in the world with almost a billion mobile phone subscribers. In South Africa, 50% of active mobile phones are smartphone devices. With this, advertisers now struggle to keep pace with the unrelenting state of flux of the local and global media landscape and the increasingly fragmented and highly distracted audiences they want to reach. People are simply no longer where we need them to be; when we need them to be there; doing what we need them to be doing, just so we can tell them what we think they are waiting to hear.

Today, anyone with an Internet connection and a mobile phone has the means and the appetite to be an active content curator and a potent media owner and distributor. This means that brands accustomed to dominating in predictable and controlled media environments are having to rethink how they reach and engage people.

Insight taken from the article:
Building brands in a world we cant control
by By Enver Groenewald, CCM Director, Unilever Africa
Enver Groenewald

About the author

Founder and Trend Analyst at TrendER Insights. Mogorosi's passion lies in unearthing consumer insights that will help brands build more meaningful relationships with their consumers. Email:

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